What is chronic prostatitis and can it be cured. The mechanism of development and the causes of the disease. Treatment and prevention of chronic prostatitis in men.
24 July 2022
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. Among the serious consequences of this disease is erectile dysfunction. To recover from prostatitis, it is necessary, when the first symptoms appear, to consult a doctor from a urologist-andrologist.
1 June 2021
Indications and contraindications to the use of devices, hardware techniques and principles of their therapeutic effect
18 August 2020
The prevention of prostatitis in men can preserve sexual health, and to conserve power. On the rules of prevention needs to know every man. For the prevention of prostatitis in most medication are widely-used popular ways.
20 July 2020
The men outside of the age are exposed to many diseases, one of the most serious, strenuous, and painful, it is the inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis.
29 December 2019
Prostatitis is a prostate disease, is a consequence of inflammation, and suffer from the greater part of adult men. The treatment of prostatitis is always recognized individually, taking account of the physiological particulars of each of these men.
26 November 2019