Prostatitis in men

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate (prostate cancer), a body organ that produces a liquid secret, entering in the composition of the semen. The pathology is sometimes at the origin of severe pain and problems with the power. Treatment of prostatitis wise to start immediately after his diagnosis.

The symptoms

Prostatitis typically affects men aged 25 to 50. The condition is very frequent. It suffers from one-third to one-half of all the men of the planet. The problem many symptoms:

The symptoms of prostatitis
  • the person experiences discomfort, pain when the urine;
  • the urine is slow, thin stream, its represent extruder;
  • at night and in a different time of the day is often a desire to celebrate the small need. He does not leave the feeling that all the urine has left the bladder;
  • the urine goes muddy, with a mixture of blood;
  • mocked the pain in the lower part of the abdomen, the back, the groin, the perineum (between the scrotum and the anus);
  • also does not give the rest of pain, sensations in the area of the testicles, of the penis;
  • ejaculation occurs with the pain;

Often there are symptoms of prostatitis, which are similar to a cold (a small temperature, of the heat). They are specific to bacterial varieties of pathology (topic below).

The reasons

Prostatitis occurs most often in men who had been victims of this disease. The problem leads to:

  • infection of the bladder and the urethra;
  • HIV and other diseases, in which the man is infected with the during sexual intercourse;
  • a trauma in the region of taza - falling from a bicycle, to horse;

Called prostatitis in men over a catheter in the urethra for the exit of urine from the bladder.

The pathology appear sometimes after a prostate biopsy, when the analysis is taken a sample of his tissue. After such a procedure, the symptoms of prostatitis in men are rare.


Because of the prostatitis may:

    Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis
  • become inflamed prerogative of the testicles (epididymitis);
  • significantly decrease the content of sperm, not sterility;
  • receive an abscess (cavity of pus).

Many scientific studies have not found a direct link between prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Types of prostatitis

Of prostatitis 5 main types: chronic and acute non-bacterial, acute and chronic bacterial, asymptomatic.

  • Chronic non-bacterial (it has the same chronic pain syndrome in the pelvic region). The most common (over 90% of all patients are sick, it is up to them). Symptoms of prostatitis are unstable coming and going. The pathogens in the body is not detected. The diagnosis is made if, within a period of less than 3 months, the man suffers from pain in the pelvic area, discomfort when urinating, and other symptoms. The exact cause of the development of the disease is unknown, but probably it is called:
    • neurological problems (neuropathy);
    • the irritation of the prostate gland, which produces a poor flow of urine from the bladder;
    • problems with the muscles of the pelvic floor (dyssynergia);
    • atypical, yet unknown to science, viruses, bacteria.
  • Acute non-bacterial. Accompanied by the syndrome of chronic pain in the pelvic region, problems with urination.
  • Acute infectious. The more severe the disease. Meets seldom. Drift:
    • escherichia coli, staphylococci and other bacteria;
    • sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea);
    • the fungus Candida.
    The diagnosis of prostate

    Symptoms increase quickly. Discomfort in the pelvic area and joins the pain of the genitals, fever, nausea, burning sensation during urination. The acute form of prostatitis bacterial can cause serious, life-threatening complications - abscesses, inability to urinate, low blood pressure.

  • Chronic infectious. The pathology may not persist for several years. The symptoms are similar to acute bacterial type, but are not as strongly.
  • Asymptomatic. Discovered accidentally. Symptoms are absent. The ULTRASOUND shows signs of inflammation and analyses of blood - increase in the content of prostatospecific antigen.


The diagnosis is made with the help of:

  • digital rectal exam;
  • a urine sample for analysis. Is necessary to determine if, in the prostate gland infection;
  • the analysis of blood. Checks the level of prostatospecific antigen. The test detects signs of inflammation;
  • ULTRASOUND of the organs of the urinary system. When these analyses for a specific diagnosis is not sufficient. ULTRASOUND of the prostate is better to do it through the anus (transrectally way).

Also sometimes, the doctor examines the secret of the prostate. To get them, produces a massage of the gland.

May be appointed to the analyses on the different venerologic infections, which are the cause of the inflammation of the prostate.

A professional diagnosis will help to prescribe the right treatment of prostatitis in men.


If the prostatitis bacterial, the doctor called:

  • Antibiotics. Their form depends on the identification of bacteria. Take the drug will have a month and a half. If the symptoms are very severe, the antibiotics emergency are administered intravenously.
  • Alpha-adrenergic blockers. Ways to relax the muscles of the bladder at the place where it connects with the prostate gland. Remove the pain during urination.
  • Healthy and junk food prostate
  • Analgesics - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

We can not prescribe medicines for yourself. Only the doctor will determine how to treat the prostatitis.


To prevent prostatitis:

  • take warm sitz bath;
  • apply it to the lower part of the abdomen or back heating pad-pillow;
  • stop consuming alcohol, caffeine, food, increases the acidity (spicy, salty);
  • use lots of liquids (unsweetened). So, let's wash the genito-urinary system, the bacteria do not have the time to race;
  • try long bike, a long time not to sit;
  • don't forget about the health of the penis, the perineum;
  • use the contraceptives;
  • do the sport. Simple cardio exercises will be enough - to begin to run, swim in the pool, do a light workout.

The prevention of prostatitis should become an integral part of the lifestyles. Simple ways to protect the body.