That is characteristic of prostatitis in men: what it is and what are the signs, the primary characteristics of the manifestation of the disease of the existing? Knowing this, you can solve a problem is not accepted to speak aloud. Prostatitis is the most common form of the disease urological (uretroprostatit), mainly among the oldest age group of the male population (about 70 %). Today, the symptoms of prostatitis in men is often found among young people aged 20 to 30 years. Without proper attention and treatment of the disease can have a very negative impact on the health of men.

Today, the symptoms of the disease are often detected among young people aged 20 to 30 years.
The main reasons that underlie the disease, always on the surface. The increase of the prostate can be due to their mode of life, the action of pests, who day after day are changes in the prostate. The first step of the pathology is generally low, the pain minor, therefore, the men do not pay attention to the first of the bells serious problems in the future. The aggravation is like a clap of thunder, when it hurts because all the troubles of life economic insignificant.The attendant castaneocoronata events bliznyashki between acute and chronic forms
Here are some of the options for diseases and their signs:
- Stagnant (congestive) prostatitis is often chronic. The enlargement of the prostate takes place steadily, the beginning of the acute period (worsening), you can wait for years, suspecting nothing. The reasons for which develops the prostatitis:
- The physical inactivity. The flow of the blood in the basin causes congestive heart failure, the disease process and an increase of the gland.
- Traumatic damage.
- Frequent constipation.
- The habit of sit down, throw on the leg.
- Hypothermia. If a man zastudil sexual organs, this is one of the prerequisites to the development of acute inflammation.
- Overheating. Fans of saunas also need to guard against prolonged exposure to high temperatures on the pelvic region causes an enlargement of the prostate gland.
Congestive heart failure (static) of the prostate can lead to a deterioration of the sexual life, it is therefore important to eliminate all causes of his emergence and undergo a medical examination-a urologist (inspection, ULTRASOUND, scans).
- The stones in the prostate is not a rare phenomenon, the stone — it is often the companion of men in the old age. If in 40 years, the stones are only found in 10% of patients is 50-60 years old, the percentage of individuals with increases up to 80. Concretions are the companions of prostatitis and adenoma (BPH).
- Prostatorrhea — the selection of the urethra a fluid that forms in the prostate gland. The process takes place without pain, a result of natureline to the act of defecation or after urination. Prostatorrhea can be a companion acute (chronic) prostatitis or because of the anatomical peculiarities of the location of the authority.
- Prostatitis-bacterial — occurs when it is injected into the gland of the bacterium escherichia coli, causing an increase of the pain. Bacterial (chronic, acute) the inflammatory process is a bacteriological diagnosis should be confirmed by laboratory tests. Often confused with the symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia (BPH — benign tumor) occurs when the number of exacerbations, repeated on the background of disorders of the reflux of the urine and an environment conducive to the development of bacteria.
- BPH — a benign tumor, not cancer and natural degeneration of the tissues of the prostate due to changes in age. The increase may be gradual over several years, but, according to the statistics, the men, after 65-70 years, almost all of which have an adenoma of the prostate. As it looks, you can see the photos Online. Timely examination (ULTRASOUND, analysis) will help to reduce the risk of exacerbation and acute retention of urine.
- Purulent of the prostate, the signs of some of the most unpleasant for the men. Occurs an increase of the prostate gland due to the accumulation of pus, and the impossibility of its free flow of the body. Process is purulent, is characterized by fever among the men, are evil in the crotch, the palpation is not possible because of the strong discomfort. In a timely manner past the ULTRASOUND is used to identify the processes, purulent, and provide assistance.
If men are wrong in the pelvic area, delays, lack of timely treatment, is often the cause of serious complications.
The characteristics of the manifestation of the disease
The first sign of inflammation of the prostate a man can feel when the next hike in the toilet. Problem when emptying bladder and discomfort indicate that the iron, which has already started the inflammatory process, has increased in size and pinch the urine path. And here's a man commits a first mistake: believe that the disease will take place itself. Will not pass, and the signs begin prostatitis will only "improve" and " worsen. Learn more about the illness so that the time will start to treat it, you can, by looking at the theme of the video or photo Online.
Asymptomatic prostatitis (asymptomatic) — a sentence, which can provide big problems in the future. When there is no aggravation, the man knows that, in the depths of his body matures uretroprostatit, and the first manifestations of the disease begin at a time when the disease process affects the large area of the prostate.

Often, the inflammatory process gives a back pain as with radiculitis.
The symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate can vary, depending on the shape and severity of the disease. However, among men, the first signs of prostatitis are common to all types of this disease. Thus, the signals are explicit on the presence of inflammation of the prostate are:
- Frequent need to urinate in the toilet.
- Painful and difficulty urinating.
- Perhaps an increase of the temperature to 39 °C (during acute).
The man is experiencing daily discomfort, which prevents its complete operation. Therefore, the "knowledge" to the prostatitis, a doctor's visit is better not to postpone. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the symptoms will be different in each case. Such a variability of the events is not always allows to detect the problem and begin proper treatment. It is therefore very important to know how to manifest prostatitis, to have time to prevent its development.
Often an aggravation of the disease has the following signs (symptoms):
- The pain during urination.
- The violation of sexual functions.
- Urethral.
- Burning Sensation and pain in the groin, the scrotum, the abdomen.
- The presence in the urine floating wires (mucus) or blood.
- The discomfort during defecation.
- The pain in the lower back (like sciatica).
- Chills, and weakness, of the temperature (during exacerbation).
- A strong sweating.
- The feel is consistently of a full bladder.
- Irritability, nervousness.
- Increase of fatigue.
An evolution of chronic prostatitis is very insidious. The signs may not manifest for years, and the patient discovered his disease, during exacerbation.
It is important to note that the first symptoms of prostatitis in men, described above do not appear all at the same time. The clinical picture of the disease is very variable and depends purely upon the individual characteristics of the most of men, of his mode of life, the passions, the habits. During the bright of the severity of the inflammation signs are often manifested through the waves, showing, and then receding, to enter the patient into error as to the general situation. Recognize even the exact symptoms (the stage types), and determine the right approach for the treatment is only capable urologist using any of the methods of diagnosis (ULTRASOUND), which may not be to your doctor or consultant theme in the Online video.
- The power of the pain.
The pain, generally, do not have clearly localized nature. The pain irradiiruet in the region of the sacrum, the scrotum and the perineum, which confuses the man and forces him to think of any disease, except for prostate problems. The fact that the iron is not "issues of the pain", and here are the nerve endings, when there is an increase in straying from him to the various agencies, and give an unpleasant sensation. The power of the pain depends on the launched of the disease, at which point the man zastudil sex organs. It can be dull to sharp, does not give him a man to fall asleep.

The power of the pain depends on the neglect of the disease: from weak to strong, do not give him a man to fall asleep.
- The urinary problems.
Quite informative symptom, is expressed in frequent desire in the toilet of a "small", but after emptying remains the feeling that the bladder is not enough to be devastated. This creates a psychological malaise, in particular at the time of the day. This symptomatology can be explained partially perezhatiem the inflamed urethral of the prostate channel, resulting in the urine to the drift is not free of electric shock and delays. In the case of failure of the treatment of this symptom of the disease progresses, and as a result may develop acute urinary retention.
- Low sexual activity.
It is considered that the prostatitis, causing android to insolvency in the sexual sphere. This is partly true, but in the initial phase of the inflammation can produce only partial gipotenzia, which translates into a reduction of sexual power. The causes of dysfunction can be different, but the prostatitis is one of the first niches in the process of formation of a sexual problem. Each man of this process is different, but almost always to orgasm and ejaculation feels the pain, because of what that man, without knowing it, starts to avoid sex. If the process of the disease is asymptomatic character, a man may not understand the causes of sexual problems. What to do in this case? A full investigation and identify the disease at an early stage will allow in the future to avoid the problems of pain and before the manifestation of the pathology.
The differences between the acute and chronic forms
There are two forms of prostatitis: acute and chronic. Each of them has its own characteristics of the event (but on the photo almost no significant differences), which presents the diagnosis and the treatment is prescribed.
The first symptoms of the disease:
- The discomfort in the groin.
- Frequent and painful urination (itching, burning).
- The decrease of the erection.
- In urine pathological include it in the form of filaments.
- The sharp increase in the temperature (38-39 °c).
Chronic book to a man of a lot of trouble: a throbbing pain, with urination, sexual dysfunction.
In addition to this feature of the prostatitis in men, there is a weakness, nervousness, fatigue, and apathy.
Chronic enhances the aggravation of all the symptoms of the disease, by delivering a man a lot of trouble: people, physical and psychological. The main signs stagnating the evolution of the disease are:
- Pain (exhausting) of the pain, give to the crotch, testicles, rectum. During the erection of all these symptoms are aggravated by a result, sexual intimacy gives the least pleasure.
- Frequent urination, painful.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- When the chronic prostatitis bacterial appear feature selection, stringy, with a yellowish tint. They are during urination and defecation.
The complications of prostatitis are frequent and occur very difficult. Abscess of the prostate, and sepsis, the treatment is long and not always ends well, but these complications are dangerous, thankfully, develops very rarely.
So completely ignore the signs of the disease or to self-give medications, launched a chronic process going on nearby organs, causing in them an inflammatory process. It is fraught with the development of additional complications, leading to infertility. React to the first signs from the prostatitis should immediately proceed to a thorough investigation, do an ULTRASOUND, and return the analyses. This will not develop the disease and maintain the treatment as early as possible.